Godblesscomputers feat. the Electronic Ocarina

12 Apr 2025 h 11:00 p.m.
Le Torri dell'Acqua, Via Benni, Budrio BO, Italy

The event

Lorenzo Nadalin, as known as Godblesscomputers, and Fabio Galliani, electronic music and the ocarina.

An unexpected encounter, but one filled with surprising harmonies, so much so that it embodies the spirit of the now iconic Ocarina Festival party.

Breaking all the rules and ignoring the limits that only exist in our minds: Godblesscomputers e Fabio Galliani, are once again ready to show how far you can go by simply opening yourself up to new possibilities.

Posto unico non numerato
Intero online 10€
Intero in loco 15€

Ridotto online 8€
Ridotto in loco 12€


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