Ocarinando – Part 1

11 Apr 2025 h 09:00
Teatro Consorziale di Budrio, Via Garibaldi, Budrio BO, Italia

The event

The ‘Ocarinando’ project of the association Diapason Progetti Musicali APS brings music into schools and this day is its worthy culmination. Experienced ocarinists, students and teachers will come together in various performances.

In questa mattina si esibiranno gli allievi del programma “Suoniamo l’ocarina”.

Promosso dall’Associazione Progetti Musicali APS, “Suoniamo l’ocarina” è un progetto di Educazione Musicale rivolto alle scuole primarie di Budrio, Mezzolara e Vedrana, offerto gratuitamente dal Comune di Budrio alle classi terze. I suoi obiettivi:

  • To deepen the connection with this territory and in particular with music, story and culture of Budrio.
  • To make teachers aware of the uniqueness of Budrio’s musical and cultural heritage, with a particular emphasis on the ocarina tradition;
  • To enhance the musical knowledge of each student, enabling them to express themselves correctly using specific musical vocabulary.
  • To bolster musical knowledge, starting with the direct experience of Budrio’s popular instrumental music.

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